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Title: can islam and western cultures co-exist? | |
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Date Posted:01/19/2015 4:41 AMCopy HTML Looking at the nations of Europe, it doesn't appear so. Yet in the US, we've not experienced what is happening in the EU.
For the last 50 years or so, the European nations have had an 'open arms' approach to immigration mostly, I speculate, because their welfare programs are so burdensome that they had no other choice. Working people were overwhelmed by those 'on the dole'. Unfortunately, unlike in America, the new citizens didn't turn out to be industrious but instead went 'on the dole' themselves. Germany, for example, experienced this: "in the early 1970s, 2 million of the 3 million foreigners in Germany were in the labor force; by the turn of this century, 2 million of 7.5 million were." http://www.wsj.com/articles/europe-immigration-and-islam-europes-crisis-of-faith-1421450060 Some have speculated the clashes between islam and western people don't start occurring until the percentages reach a certain ratio... in other words, the numbers of adherents become sufficient to be a viable force within a nation. Is there anything about islam that isn't anathema to western society, values and ethics? All I know of the religion is just what I see; women abused, homosexuals murdered, stupid rituals and a penchant toward authoritarianism. Is there anything redeeming about this cult? Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/12/2018 4:33 PMCopy HTML The losers of every election are likely to cry, 'foul', but this bloke makes a compelling case. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/12/2018 9:36 PMCopy HTML Can Islam Be Reformed?
History and human nature say yes
by Daniel Pipes
Commentary (pdf)
July/August 2013
Islam currently represents a backward, aggressive, and violent force. Must it remain this way, or can it be reformed and become moderate, modern, and good-neighborly? Can Islamic authorities formulate an understanding of their religion that grants full rights to women and non-Muslims as well as freedom of conscience to Muslims, that accepts the basic principles of modern finance and jurisprudence, and that does not seek to impose Sharia law or establish a caliphate. A growing body of analysts believe that no, the Muslim faith cannot do these things, that these features are inherent to Islam and immutably part of its makeup. Asked if she agrees with my formulation that "radical Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam is the solution," the writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali replied, "He's wrong. Sorry about that." She and I stand in the same trench, fighting for the same goals and against the same opponents, but we disagree on this vital point.
My argument has two parts. First, the essentialist position of many analysts is wrong; and second, a reformed Islam can emerge.
Skeptical? Me, too.
Then he presents a comforting argument: the inevitability of change when demands are too great. Sharia is too demanding.
It’s a 2013 point of view. The win their hearts and minds strategy is still in play.
In a free country Islam should be able to coexist with the west if we’ve done freedom correctly. If we’ve done freedom correctly, then no faith is a threat to any other.
What goes around, comes around.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/13/2018 11:04 PMCopy HTML Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/14/2018 1:59 AMCopy HTML Our laws will handle that. Nonetheless, it is shocking to have such a case.
School shootings are a shocker, too.
Law abiding citizens are required. Laws are only as good as the people who accept them. We can’t legislate good behavior.
Freedom of religion is an argument for such mutilation. Males are routinely circumcised, so maybe a precedent will be set by this case. The legal arguments are likely to be upsetting.
What goes around, comes around.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/15/2018 6:41 PMCopy HTML Our laws will handle that. Nonetheless, it is shocking to have such a case. That's the source of concern, for more than just myself. I look across the pond and see what's happened there and is happening there. Is it unjustified to think what happens there should be cause for concern here? American's don't seem, in general, as self-loathing as the Swedes, for example. And we're armed. We're not going to become the 'rape capital' of north america. But the islamic ghetto's in the EU have been there for a while and they don't seem to have any intention of assimilation. Quite the contrary, it appears they are colonizing. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/16/2018 7:13 PMCopy HTML Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/26/2018 1:06 PMCopy HTML Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/27/2018 6:43 PMCopy HTML At half an hour I shall wait untill the weekend before watching the clip. Inthe meantime; Katie Hopkins ‘on brink of declaring bankruptcy’ after losing libel case Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/ Katie Hopkins is ‘on the brink of declaring bankrupcy’ and had applied for an insolvency arrangement following a costly libel case. The rightwing media commentator, who once said poor people in debt had no-one to blame but themselves, is applying for a monthly payment system in an effort to control her crippling debt. Last year she was found to have libelled Jack Monroe over tweets which suggested the food writer supported a war memorial in Whitehall being vandalised with anti-Tory graffiti. Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/16/katie-hopkins-on-brink-of-declaring-bankruptcy-after-losing-libel-case-7949879/?ito=cbshare Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/ Katie Hopkins is ‘on the brink of declaring bankrupcy’ and had applied for an insolvency arrangement following a costly libel case. The rightwing media commentator, who once said poor people in debt had no-one to blame but themselves, is applying for a monthly payment system in an effort to control her crippling debt. Last year she was found to have libelled Jack Monroe over tweets which suggested the food writer supported a war memorial in Whitehall being vandalised with anti-Tory graffiti. Hopkins was ordered to pay £24,000 damages to Monroe and foot the £107,000 legal costs within 28 days. But this weekend, Monroe revealed that although she had been paid her full amount, Hopkins had applied for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/16/katie-hopkins-on-brink-of-declaring-bankruptcy-after-losing-libel-case-7949879/?ito=cbshare Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/ Hopkins was ordered to pay £24,000 damages to Monroe and foot the £107,000 legal costs within 28 days. But this weekend, Monroe revealed that although she had been paid her full amount, Hopkins had applied for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). This is a long-term repayment arrangement made with creditors which means she can avoid having to file for bankruptcy. The application was made in May this year, following Hopkins’ appeal being denied in January, but Monroe claims she was not allowed to discuss it for legal reasons. She said Hopkins ‘didn’t want anyone to know’ about the IVA application . She said: ‘I have been paid in full, but many of her creditors, including my lawyer, will not be paid what they are owed. ‘For the want of an apology, a house, a job, a column, a radio show, and now financial solvency, were lost. It’s all very sad, actually.’ Hopkins has already had to sell her home in Devon in an effort to keep up with the costs, in addition to leaving MailOnline by ‘mutual consent’ last year. She also left a job at LBC Radio following comments made about a ‘final solution’ in response to the Manchester terror attacks. At the time of the libellous tweets, Monroe tweeted: ‘Dear @KTHopkins, public apology + £5K to migrant rescue and I won’t sue. It’ll be cheaper for you and v satisfying for me.’ Hopkins later tweeted Monroe to say she was ‘confused about identity’ and ‘got it wrong’, but Monroe continued with her lawsuit. Monroe told BuzzFeed News that she now plans to ‘finally move on’ from the case. ‘This case has dominated my life for the last three and a half years now, and I hope that now I can finally move on.’ ‘I don’t believe any of us are beyond redemption, and wish her all the best.’ |
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/27/2018 8:44 PMCopy HTML That's nice. The interesting part of the interview of Tommy Robinson was, I thought, his discription of what happened in his hometown as he was growing up. The muslims here in Anchorage self-isolate, too. Now, it might be argued that they self-isolate because everyone looks at them with suspicion. That's possible. The women shoplift and the men demonstrate the typical muslim arrogance and intolerance... so, yeah, not ideal additions to the melting pot. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/29/2018 12:51 AMCopy HTML Our laws will handle that. Nonetheless, it is shocking to have such a case. That's the source of concern, for more than just myself. I look across the pond and see what's happened there and is happening there. Is it unjustified to think what happens there should be cause for concern here? American's don't seem, in general, as self-loathing as the Swedes, for example. And we're armed. We're not going to become the 'rape capital' of north america. But the islamic ghetto's in the EU have been there for a while and they don't seem to have any intention of assimilation. Quite the contrary, it appears they are colonizing. Colonizing? Wow, that’s a concern. So far as the numbers go, hearts and minds are all they’ve got to play with now. Immigration helps but increasing the numbers within is a possibility, sure to emerge at some point, especially with our malcontent youths, a prime target for Islam, as they were for Catholics. Schools. Schools. Schools. Please change your libertarian view of Public Schools. Colonizing is how China took over Tibet. Islam also has the numbers to do it, and where there’s opposition like that of the Hindu in India, the population dropped by 80 million people. It wasn’t pretty, and creating Pakistan didn’t resolve it so much as give them state based elevation from which to pursue goals. We have small population states that are attractive to special interest groups. Aryan nation’s moved into Idaho for just such a takeover. Lucky for us a woman was able to bankrupt them because we couldn’t vote them out. Chinese communities in California, children can go their whole life without speaking a word of English. It’s a free country.....although maybe those children are trapped by their language. People can be trapped by any number of things. A bus route changed the lives of people forced to accept lower wages because it allowed them to seek better wages in surrounding communities. Seems so strange, but that’s what happened in a study I read years ago. What goes around, comes around.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/29/2018 2:50 AMCopy HTML I'm not thinking it's a good idea to look at the problem without context and history... current history. The flood of immigrants into Europe has thrown the gender balance there out of whack severely... as much as 120 men to 100 women in some areas. That's a problem in and of itself. Add polygamy and the aggressive and regressive nature of islam, I just don't see how you can legitimately compare Chinatowns in the US with islamic enclaves.
Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/30/2018 6:08 PMCopy HTML According to a report in News.com.au, police with pickaxes smashed the British art installation at the Fairmont Maldives Sirru Fen Fushi resort. The underwater art, made up of sealife-clad human forms that attract divers and snorkelers, inspired complaints from religious leaders in the country, where Islam is the official religion. Maldives’ outgoing president Abdulla Yameen instructed that the sculptures be removed and destroyed because they are viewed as “idols,” which are banned by the religion. In issuing the order, Yameen also asserted that there was “significant public sentiment” in opposition to the artwork. As News.com.au explained, hardline Islam rejects any man-made depiction of the human form. Maldives police posted pictures on social media showing their work destroying the statues.
Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/30/2018 6:13 PMCopy HTML I am sure that some of what he says is true - but I have no idea which bits. He was arrested, not for filming but for live streaming. All he had to do was wait until the final trial was over. Anyway here are a few tidbits (all to be taken with a pinch of salt0; also; https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/aug/05/networked-far-right-tommy-robinson Tommy Robinson’s story is best understood as an exercise in showbusiness, and the search by a relentless attention-seeker for public acclaim and influence. Already he has turned his release on bail from prison – he was serving a 13-month sentence for contempt of court – last week into the latest scene in a cunningly curated digital drama. The first persona adopted by Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (“Tommy Robinson” is essentially a stage-name) was that of the founder and leader of the far-right English Defence League. Next, in 2012-13, he allowed his character to follow a classic redemption arc, renouncing the EDL and apologising for blaming “every single Muslim” for “getting away” with the 7 July bombings. He was worried, he said, about the “dangers of far-right extremism”: which was a coincidence, because that’s how the rest of us had long felt when we heard him sound off about Islam. But, like a sort of low-rent, hard-right David Bowie, Robinson was already thinking of the next mask. And it has been provided for him by the transformative impact of digital media, and the capacity of a single person, armed with a smartphone, to posture as an online pimpernel and people’s tribune. As a correspondent for the Canadian Rebel Media network and hero of the US “alt-right”, Robinson has reinvented himself as neither old-fashioned gang leader nor penitent healer, but as a ubiquitous online irritant, an ill-intentioned first responder at the site of terrorist attacks or outside courthouses, stirring up trouble, drawing wildly premature conclusions, and making harder the work of those whose task it really is to treat the injured, investigate criminal activity, and see justice done................> and bring up the rear; June 30 2012, Ethnic minorities living in Britain identify more strongly with “Britishness” than do their white counterparts, the largest study on race carried out in this country reveals. Muslims are the most likely of the various groups to consider themselves British, say the Institute for Social and Economic Research and the Institute of Education findings which fly in the face of suggestions that ethnic groups are unwilling or unable to integrate. They also challenge the assumption that Pakistani Muslims associate more strongly with their ethnic group than with the country as a whole. The opposite, in fact, was found to be true. Researchers drew the conclusions from Understanding Society, a huge study tracking 40,000 households. With 10,000 ethnic minority individuals among those asked their opinions, it offers a rich insight into identity. People were asked a series of questions, including how important, on a scale of 0 to 10, being British was to them. Every minority group scored more highly than the white population, with Pakistanis topping the list. Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said that the figures proved that immigrants “loved Britain” and had come here because of the country’s values. “Nobody travels 5,000 miles to get on social security,” he said. “We have to respect the motives of these families. They want to work and contribute and build their new life.” When groups were further broken down by religion, Black African Muslims came top, scoring an average of 8.2 out of 10, compared with 6.6 for white people. The sense of Britishness rises with time, with the children and grandchildren of immigrants feeling even closer to the British identity. The study also looked at how the sense of belonging shifted with other attributes, including age, political affiliation, education and region. Those over 60 felt most British, but among those with a college or university degree there was a reduced sense of national identity. Members of the Tory party felt more British than Labour supporters, the survey revealed, while people in the East of England, South West and South East felt less British than Londoners or those living across the North. Perhaps unsurprisingly, those living in Scotland felt significantly less British than did those in England. The research will be presented next week at the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Methods festival in Oxford by Alita Nandi. “There is a huge emphasis in public and policy discourse on immigration and its potential challenge to cultural homogeneity and national identity,” Dr Nandi said. “Our research shows that people we might assume would feel very British, in fact, do not, while others who we might assume would not associate themselves with feelings of Britishness, in fact, do.” She said that minority groups also associated quite strongly with their ethnicity — suggesting that people were able to manage “dual identities”. That suggests that immigrant populations are more comfortable with “integration” than “assimilation”. She argued that the findings could indicate that minority groups think about identity more than the indigenous population does. Keith Vaz, the longest-serving Asian MP in Parliament, who represents Leicester East, said he was not surprised. “One of the reasons that people choose to come to Britain — why my parents came here from Yemen rather than India — is they have a strong respect for British values.” But he agreed that the Asian population also remains strongly interested in the subcontinent. “People are fascinated by Bollywood — and still say they want to bring over a wife from Pakistan or India.” His Labour colleague, Barry Gardiner, represents Brent North in London, where 130 languages are spoken in the borough’s schools. Mr Gardiner argued that immigrants identified strongly with Britain because they had made an active choice to come here. He said that ethnic minority communities had, for instance, celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with enormous enthusiasm. One of the organisers of a parade and a 4,000-strong party in the park in Brent was Renu Kaul, 68, who has lived in Britain for more than 45 years. “I have grown to adore Britain,” she said. “Its sense of honour, its pageantry, even some of the food — I love fish and chips.” Mrs Kaul, who is the deputy chairman of her local residents’ association, added that she also loved India. She called herself an “amalgam” who drew the best of both cultures. She arranged for Union Jacks to be draped over the lampposts in Brent, and for drummers, gospel singers and bhangra dancers to turn out to mark the occasion. The chairman of the residents’ association, George Sabratnam, is originally from Sri Lanka. “I would say I feel more British than Sri Lankan,” he said. “Although I do have a passion for the country I am from.” |
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/30/2018 6:52 PMCopy HTML I don't doubt you're speaking honestly yet... There is no shortage of these types of videos coming out of the UK. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/30/2018 8:37 PMCopy HTML Looks like alcohol is more of a health hazard than towel-headism; Alcohol-related crime in England & Wales According to the 2014/15 CSEW, there were 592,000 violent incidents
where the victim believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of
alcohol, accounting for 47% of violent offences committed that year.
This represents a decrease of 6 percentage points on the previous year
(2013/14).[8] The CSEW also notes that 18% of these violent incidents in 2014/15 took place at a pub or club.[9] |
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:09/30/2018 11:28 PMCopy HTML I took a life drawing class in college unaware of Islamic Law against it, but pregnant with my third child, I needed the credits and the class was open. My husband was mildly amused, tolerant. I took those sketches down when family visited and now that my children are adults with children of their own and my husband died seven years ago, they are boxed in the basement.
I should get them out......
What goes around, comes around.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:01/07/2019 6:41 AMCopy HTML This video was posted 4 days ago. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:01/16/2019 7:45 PMCopy HTML We have vigilantes and deal with them. Sharia patrols that don’t conform to, are not sanctioned by our law enforcement would be considered de facto vigilantes and dealt with accordingly. I hope.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:03/28/2019 6:19 AMCopy HTML Brunei introduces 'vicious' new Sharia laws...
Gays stoned to death, thieves amputated... In Saudi trial, detained women speak of torture, abuse... Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/09/2019 1:19 AMCopy HTML https://www.thesun.ie/news/3963558/mum-jailed-for-blasphemy-after-complaining-her-neighbourhood-mosques-loudspeaker-was-too-noisy-in-indonesia/ Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/20/2019 9:52 PMCopy HTML Are you suggesting that it is impossible to co-exist despite centuries of multicultural accommodations in the most advanced societies? Just because jihadists exist and hold sway for a time, long term, they only do fear, and fear is not sustainable.
It’s better of course to rid ourselves of extremism before fear is any more widespread.......letting Europe or the Middle East or Africa fight it out amongst themselves has never worked. We’ve tried to stay out of it and that just gives the advantage to those who would alter our beloved lifestyle preferences. VFW if polled, would probably claim had we gone sooner, fewer lives would have been lost.
We’ve dropped the ball......not sure if it’s budget cuts in our Intelligence, vociferous isolationists, oppressive oil interests, a dark manipulation of all three by globalists, but we’ve allowed radicals to hijack the moderate faith of Islam, painted all Muslims with the same broad brush, and replaced our highly valued individualism with their stereotypes, even though we know it’s wrong.
Well, maybe 9/11 did that.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/24/2019 4:40 AMCopy HTML I've seen that prevarication quite a lot... that radicals have hijacked 'moderate' islam. That does not seem to be the case. There is no 'moderate' islam, there is no 'radical' islam. There is only islam. Where islam peacefully co-exists are areas where the muslim population lacks the numbers to impose their beliefs upon the rest of the population. Now, you might say that's absurd, radical, islamophobic or whatever but it does appear to be true if you look objectively at the rest of the world. Within the following link, scroll down to 'Support for Sharia'. What's more, it appears that far too many people are willing to make excuses for islamic aggression and violence... even blame the victims of that violence... when they are willing to acknowledge those victims at all. The recent mass murders in Sri Lanka being a good example... it wasn't Christians being slaughtered because of their religion, it was "Easter Worshippers". Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/25/2019 4:26 AMCopy HTML It’s true that the hearts and minds strategy only exists while Muslims are in the minority. The 80 million decrease in India’s population and the attest to the forced approach once a critical number is reached.
It’s alarming that their percentages are increasing here while European nations succumb. Africa seems lost, and Asia has significant numbers, making trouble here and there. It’s a little like herding.
What to do? Freedom of religion strengthens our country, avoiding religious conflicts that would constantly have us at odds. Muslims seem to have an obligation to get in our face like many other faiths that knock on our doors soliciting members, but none of the other faiths are as easy to join or pain of death to leave.
I suppose we can do unto them, target them until fear is on the other foot.
Oil money has enabled them.....
We’re a nation of servants to millionaire whims.....
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/26/2019 2:12 AMCopy HTML I don’t mind, ‘knocking on doors ‘. I do mind the blowing up doors and submit or die stuff that seems to manifest wherever islam gains sufficient followers.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/26/2019 5:57 PMCopy HTML Sorry, that’s a book reference about farmers who wait too long, don’t see the fight is theirs until it personally affects them and can’t do anything at that point but submit or die. Fairly common, but not you.....
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:04/26/2019 11:37 PMCopy HTML First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ~ Martin Niemöller While that was a warning against government power and the danger of keeping your head down, it is equally relevant in regard to religions that fancy themselves to be governments. I'm looking at you, islam. It's worth pointing out that a very large number of Jews are fleeing France and other nations in the EU. They're heading for Israel. Someone remarked that Jews are very much like the infamous 'canary in the coal mine'... when the Jews go on the run, there is some serious shit approaching. In the early 1900's, the pessimistic Jews fled. The optimistic Jews stayed. We all know what happened. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:05/04/2019 2:09 AMCopy HTML "We will defend the land of divine guidance with our bodies, and we will sacrifice our souls without hesitation," a second girl says. "We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture." MAS Philly
belongs to the Muslim American Society (MAS), which has 42 chapters in
the United States and one in the United Kingdom. SHOCK VIDEO: Kids at Philly Islamic center recorded issuing gory threat... Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:05/05/2019 11:42 PMCopy HTML Where are you going when they come for you?
Turks and Greeks were arguing over Hagia Sophia on Facebook recently:
Dejan Bukowski the Turks that conquered these Greek cities were mostly an army...these Turks that came from the Stepes of China had dark long faces, hooked noses and long pointed chins...the Turks the first thing they took were the young boys from elite Greek families and raised them in their armies to go and kill their own ancestors ...Turks married, raped and took Female Greek women to procreate..many wife’s of Pashas and viziers were Greek women , ...yet in return Greek men weren’t allowed to even look at a Turkish woman... so Turkish last name doesn’t mean they are Turks from the male side ...also, Greeks in order to maintain their wealth they had to become Moslem and Turkinized their last names to survive....therefore many Turks or what we call them so have Greek DNA in their genes , if they don’t look like people of the steppes they aren’t real Turks ...especially of they have light skin, blue eyes and blond hair..
Esin Batıgün you don’t know your history...you are afraid ...this is why the Turks have destroyed everything that is Greek because when you are a winning thief after a while you edit the truth...even the Agia Sophia which is a Christian (one of wonders of the world ) had to contaminate it with their Moslem signature...the message is we won so be afraid to talk about who created all the cities of Turkey or else you will be genocide ...name one city that the Turks created..NONE ..Polis of Turkey were CREATED By the Greeks
Mark Howard
Anastasia Tzintzis is right my friend. It's a well known fact that Turkish men were allowed to take Greek wives whereas Turkish women were forbidden to take Greek husbands in order to Turkify the populations. Greeks were forced to speak Turkish under the 400 year occupation of Greece. These ARE facts, which anyone can access if they wish, except the Turks as the books in Turkey have been rewritten to suit they're narrative and hide the genocides of the Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and other Christian groups.
Do yourself a favour and research the issue...... You may be suprised in what you will find.
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:05/06/2019 12:06 AMCopy HTML The Turks used similar strategies with the Kurds in more recent history in order to assimilate them, and you may wonder why they bothered, why they were so concerned about a independent Kurdish state....they feared the brain drain. It just happens that Kurds grow wherever they’re planted.
Ancient enemies and strategies for dealing with conquered people are heading our way. Is our government going to falter or is it stronger than any of Europe’s faltering states? Do we have a unique answer for the onslaught of Islam? The Crusades were failed attempts, but Saladin (a Kurd) was on the brink when Richard the Lionhearted sailed away a week or two before he could have won it all.
So, what gave rise, and what caused the receding of Islam, historically?
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Re:can islam and western cultures co-exist? Date Posted:05/06/2019 3:44 AMCopy HTML The Straight Dope had a good answer. I enjoy the Straight Dope very much. "What did our Muslim brothers do wrong? Nothing. They just stopped doing a lot of the stuff they’d gotten right, and the world passed them by." Why is so much of the Islamic world backward and ignorant? – The ... Cecil wrote that in 2003 In 2017, another question was asked. Is the West kidding itself about the good intentions of Islam? – The ... Here, good old Uncle Cecil seems to be prevaricating quite a bit. "Let’s not be alarmist. Islam has roughly 1.5 billion adherents. I haven’t taken a recent head count, but surely 99 percent wish their non-Muslim neighbors nothing but the best." Surely? That is pure speculation and also the idea of what's 'best' for non-believers may be quite a bit different that what non-believers think is best for themselves. After reading that, I wondered if Cecil had read the PEW research on muslim attitudes in islamic nations. He appears to have read it yet come to far different conclusions than the study seems to suggest. "In short, we need to be realistic. Can Islamic teachings be read as supporting violence? Demonstrably so. Is holy war the heart and soul of the religion? Fanatics think so, but every public-opinion survey I’ve seen shows most Muslims reject violence. Sharia law, it’s true, enjoys broad support, accounting for the majority of believers in many Islamic countries, according to Pew Research. Sharia means tension with the West but not necessarily outright hostility. Iran’s not a U.S. fan, but Saudi Arabia, equally fundamentalist (and no less problematic), is our ally. Look, you play the cards you’re dealt. Peace? Not happening soon. But if you’re panting for war to the death with 20 percent of the planet, that’s easy: act like that’s what we’re in now." In the PEW study I read, support for sharia in islamic nations is nearly unanimous. Okay, what does that mean? "Sharia is a faith-based code of conduct that is inseparable from the practice of Islam, yet open to interpretation, adaptable, and responsive to the needs of 2 billion adherents worldwide. Far from presenting an abstract, looming threat to American freedom, it is an integral part of the lives of the some 3.3 million Muslims who call the United States their home." https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/06/19/what-is-sharia-law/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Shariah It appears to be the case that sharia operates within mosques and is an extra-judicial legal system that, when in the minority, is imposed only upon muslims. When the numbers of muslims in a specific area becomes large enough, they begin to run 'sharia patrols' and take over local law enforcement and governments. That seems to be the pattern across Europe and it seems to be the case in Minnisota and Michigan. Come to the Dark Side.
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The advantage of insinuations over hard arguments is that they bypass critical thought. No one can respond precisely to a charge that is utterly vague or to accusers who will envelope any reply in a poisonous fog of further insinuations. ~ David Warren, The Guardian
There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time and that captures an important point. The more powerful the government becomes, the more people are willing to do in order to seize the prize, and the more afraid they become when someone else has control. ~ Glenn Harlan Reynolds
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”
― H.L. Mencken